Monday, November 10, 2008

4 letter words!

Some of the ugliest words known to man are called "4 letter words"
Don't fret, this will be a "G" rated blog!!! ;o)

People use words all the time to describe life or circumstances or maybe just to shout them out. In my house, I am queen of making up new positive four letter words to use in sentences. However, my kids look at me like I'm crazy! But AT LEAST they are not saying those 'other' words!!!

One of the hardest 4 letter words for me is the word "wait". Many times in my life I have been tested and told by God to "wait" only to get frustrated, discouraged, or give up. Like right now, waiting on the house to sell. I could get discouraged, but I am choosing to "wait" on Him. I believe through all of this, He is doing work in someones life, preparing them for our house. I AM one of those people that is willing to "Pray" for patience. And God delivers me an abundance of it every time. It's when I take things into my own hands that things in my life start to fall apart. Some of the greatest people in the Bible waited: Joseph, Noah, Job and Esther....all waited! Patiently!!! God knows what is good for me so I will trust in Him. He is ABLE to GIVE me all that I ever dreamed of!

Have you ever thought that those people in the Bible didn't know what it was like to be you? Ever said "If they only walked a mile in MY shoes"
Psalm 40:13, "Please show that you care and come to my rescue. Hurry and help me!" But just because God says he will rescue us, doesn't mean it will be the answer we have been longing for. He assures us that He will answer our prayer, as long as we WAIT on Him! I think....He's a pretty COOL God!

Can you think of any positive 4 letter words that YOU can put into practice in your life? They are so much better than the others, because they truly, come from God!


Terry Rush said...





Rush !!!!!!!!!!!!!(Good one, huh?)

Brenda said...





Wink, Wink

Chad said...

Sing.....your praise


Live.....for the day house we can move to a.....

Yeah.....I hope to say this soon.