Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Staying connected

I often find myself trying to find ways to stay connected to church. It's pretty easy to not be connected when you don't go on Sunday's. I search for opportunities that will fit my HECTIC schedule. Between, work, school, kids, how can I possibly find time for just one more thing to do.
Today I was excited by Heather's enthusiasm when I asked if I could be put on a list where I can send visitors cards. I see their names in the bulletin and I felt so loved when I received cards as a visitor as well as new member. I remember it like it was yesterday...especially Terry's card. That one was fun. Even though he probably sent those out to ALL visitors that week, I felt extra special.
So, I find it funny to send cards to visitors that may never meet me due to my schedule, but it's a way to keep me connected and how cool will it be when I get to come back and one day...put a name with the faces. I'm really so excited about doing this.


Terry Rush said...


YOU are so missed, so needed, so loved.


Brenda said...

Terry...not anymore than I miss you. You just couldn't possibly miss me that much! Cause I missed your first, last, and totally more than you can ever miss me! Love you!

Heather said...

YOU'RE enthusiasm encouraged ME! Your life bears fruit of your desire to serve others because you love HIM...

The very fact that you don't let all the hectic-ness keep you from reaching out to people spreads momentum and inspiration.... and impacts people in an eternal way. Thank you!