Sunday, November 04, 2007

Top 10 reasons it's good to be off on the weekends

#10. Sleeping in! Although I have not mastered the art of this yet, I'm sure eventually I will.

#9. I can actually celebrate at family parties with my family!!!

#8. Much more time to get homework finished! (not that I did that this weekend)

#7. Garage sales on Saturday mornings!!!

#6. Cleaning my house house SPOTLESS!!!! Now I need someone to come visit me!!!

#5. Having a nice long lunch with the "divas" Me, Emilie, and her friend Audrey.

#4. Spending some much needed couch time with my first husband!

#3. Going to the movie with Chad, the kids, and 500 other FEDEX employees!

#2. Going to a soccer game and being a total soccer mom!!! (making my kid proud)

#1. Going to chruch, celebrating Him with my brothers and sisters, taking communion, Getting the best hugs in the world this morning, feeling like I never left, WORSHIP...WORSHIP...WORSHIP, Hearing Shane May speak in class (WOW!!), hearing an amazing sermon from Terry, and singing Days of Elijah! (oh...and I can't leave out the point where Shane recognized my return...publically! Thank God for friends!!! ) ;o)

My heart is full!!!

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