Thursday, January 01, 2009

Yep! It's the thought that counts!

Our New Years was a little different this year. It was our first year spending it with the Youth Group at church. All I can say is "What a great group of kids"! We had such a blast.

I didn't get to stay very long. I had to get up early for work. So sadly, I left about 10:30. I wasn't too thrilled that I wasn't getting to spend New Years with Chad. That was a bummer. But I was happy he was with the kids and having a blast.

When I got home, it was quiet and lonely. I did my usual night routine and headed for bed. When I turned on the light in our room, there was this little box sitting on my pillow.

Hummm...what could it be?

With a smile on my face I opened it up to find a BEAUTFIUL new pair or earrings from Chad.

Although we couldn't spend our evening together ringing in 2009 traditionally as most couples do, he always manages to go out of his way to still make me feel like the most special person on this earth and let me know, he never forgets me.

It's not about the gift. It's about knowing when he was away at work for the day, he saw something, and thought of me.

That's better than anything he could ever do for me.

It's truly....the thought that counts!


Shane Coffman said...

Awww. What a nice guy!

Linda L said...

How sweet! Isn't it great to have a husband who is crazy about his wife? Rick is always doing something too, whether it's washing the dishes or fixing me a cup of coffee. I love it when he leaves me little notes on my car! In 2009, I want to be more aware of what he does for me and not take it for granted. God gave me the BEST husband (for me) and it looks like God gave you the best husband for YOU! ;o)

Brenda said...

I love that he is crazy about me. So many times I just think that I don't deserve him. It's so much fun to have a husband that will surprise me and he does it all the time. I LOVE the notes on the car! That's so much fun! And I love to do that for him as well. 2008 was kind of a rough year for us, but we have grown to be so much MORE in love than we ever have been. I think it is because of the hard times that we are where we are today. He even told me "After being together for 17 years, I never thought we would be where we are right now" :o)
I too take things forgrated. I don't appreciate him enough for how he helps around the house. As a wife, I sometimes just expect it as part of the family routine. But I don't thank him enough for it. I am getting better and plan to be better at it in 2009.
Oh Linda, God did give me the best husband in the world! The fact that I am such a failure and he has stayed with me all these years proves to me that he is absolutely perfect. I can't for one moment even imagine it any other way. Happy to know...we've both got great men in our lives! We are blessed!

Chad said...

I am the coolest man alive!!!!!!!!!!!yes..yes...two step...who's bad...I am.