Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Know You Love Me.....

No, it's not the name of the song, but I can't help but sing this song over and over. Especially when I stop and think about some of the decisions I have made in my life, He still loves me. He did all those things for me.
He knows my way even when I fail him.
He's constantly is with me.
His blood shed for me.
He overcame the grave.
Only I separate myself by my sins.
He's gone before me, He's shielding my way.
His hand upholds me. He tore the veil!
He made that way! He said IT IS DONE!
And one day, I will stand before Him and say those precious words
"I know you love me".

For the past year this song has become a staple for me. In good times, in sad times, in happy times, in all times, we should always remember how much He loves us. Satan attacks us so much by putting thoughts in our heads. Because God loves us, He gives us the word and wonderful writers who produce powerful songs such as this. And because of that, I sing this song today in spite of what Satan tries to do. No matter what, I KNOW He loves me....and still loves me....and still loves me. I say it with a smile. My heart smiles to know that my God still loves me.

Eph 1:17-20 (NIRV) I pray to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is the glorious Father. I keep asking him to give you the wisdom and understanding that come from the Holy Spirit. I want you to know God better.
I also pray that your mind might see more clearly. Then you will know the hope God has chosen you to receive. You will know that the things God's people will receive are rich and glorious. And you will know his great power. It can't be compared with anything else. It is at work for us who believe. It is like the mighty strength God showed when he raised Christ from the dead.
He seated him at his right hand in his heavenly kingdom.

I pray that everyday.....we grow to know God better...and just how much He loves us!


Terry Rush said...

Friend, that's what I like about you. I know you love me.

Thank you!

Brenda said...

I do love you Terry. I love you because He loves you! :o)